”Especially for Ewe” Feltmaking Workshop 3 hours
I won’t “pull the wool over your eyes” in this art workshop. Participants will learn how to create a beautiful piece of artwork(suitable for framing) using an ancient craft process known as feltmaking. Imagine what you can create using wool, soap and water and a little agitation! This is a “hands on” workshop so come prepared for lots of felted fun. We will learn about wet and needle felting techniques in this class. |
“Fiber Fantasy” 2 1/2 to 3 hours
Throughout history, artists have journeyed to special places seeking images and experiences out of the ordinary to bring back to the public. These journeys change the artist’s perspective and influence their work. In this workshop, we will create a fiber collage evocative of the hues, textures, and atmospheres of our very own coastal Maine or any other special place you have traveled to. Everyone is encouraged to bring materials from their own travels to incorporate into their collage. |
“Plant Imprinting on Fabric” 2 1/2 to 3 hours
Join us as we celebrate the beauty of the world around us. This workshop will teach you to imprint a design on a canvas tote bag using a variety of natural plant materials. We will begin by experimenting on various fabric surfaces to see how color reproduces. Then we will move on to creating a finished tote bag that expresses a one-of-a-kind design. All materials are provided by the instructor. Participants are encouraged to bring favorite flowers or leaves from their own garden or yard. Just make sure they are kept in water until the workshop. |
“Kumihimo: Japanese Braiding” 2 hours
This class will teach you Japanese braiding techniques using yarn and other textural materials and a circular loom. Braids made from this process can be used for bookmarks, jewelry, to wrap birthday presents, etc. A hundred and one uses will come to mind when you learn this process. This is a “make and take” class and once you learn kumihimo, it will be difficult to put down. Participants will come away with a variety of braids demonstrating various weaving techniques on the loom. |
“Birch Bark Ornaments” 2 1/2 to 3 hours
This workshop will offer participants the opportunity to create up to four holiday ornaments or simple 3-dimensional sculptures using birch bark provided by the instructor. You will learn various ways to cut and fold the birch bark to create unique pieces of art suitable for gift giving or to use in your own home for decoration. Participants are encouraged to bring in any dried flowers or other materials to this class to embellish their creations. |
“Japanese Shibori on a PVC Pipe” 3 hours
In this hands on workshop, participants will learn about “shibori”, the Japanese resist method of creating designs on silk using a PVC pipe. This is a unique process as we wrap our scarves around the PVC pipe and watch as our creativity takes over, spilling onto the pipe in layer after layer of color. You will also be given the opportunity to paint directly on your scarves. Each person will complete two finished scarves in this class. The science of art and the creativity of the individual unite in this workshop to produce a finished product that can be worn with pride or given as a gift. |
“Simply GourdGeous” 3 hours (can also be a 2 day workshop)
Gourds, which come in all shapes and sizes, can be painted, etched, drilled into, etc. for a variety of different effects. In this class, participants will explore surface design on their gourd using a variety of materials. Some small power tools may also be used. You will come away with a perfectly “gourdgeous” work of art that can enhance your home or be cherished as a gift. You are encouraged to bring anything you have at home to embellish your gourd(like bits of yarn, dried flowers, etc). |
Felted Book Workshop 3 hours (can also be a 2 day workshop)
In this workshop, participants will be using feltmaking techniques to create the front cover of their book. Fancy embellished paper will be used for the pages and you will learn how to bind the paper to the front cover. Please bring a story or poem or any favorite photos to class for inclusion in your finished book. These books make great photo journals. |
“Beginning Drawing” 3 hours
If you have ever wanted to try your hand at drawing, this wokshop might just be the ticket. We will consider such basic elements as line, shape, color, and form and explore a number of different drawing mediums such as pencil, charcoal, and ink. You’ll finish the workshop with a clear idea of whether you’d like to learn more about this art form and develop your drawing talent further. |
“Nuno Felted Scarves” 2 1/2 to 3 hours
In this class, students will learn how to create a nuno felted scarf using bits and pieces of wool, soap and water, agitation and lovely silk scarves. Nuno felting requires some upper body strength but this class is for all ages, teens to adults. Nuno felted scarves are sold in many fine gift shops……..here’s your chance to make your own. |
“Watercolor Journaling” 3 hours In this class, students will be introduced to watercolor journaling, capturing memories on paper using pen and ink and watercolors. We’ll first spend some time honing our drawing skills and then learn about the properties of watercolor painting. Then we’ll work in our watercolor journals sketching and painting the world around us. |
“Fiber Fun for Kids” 2 hours
Children enrolled in this workshop will learn about various fiber techniques such as Japanese braiding and felted bowls. We will create a variety of art to take home that reflects our use of the natural environment around us. |
“Felted Bowls” 2 1/2 to 3 hours In this workshop, we’ll learn how to create felted bowls using various wet and needle felting techniques. Our finished bowls will range in size from small to a larger wastebasket type size vessel. These can be embellished and participants are encouraged to bring to class various materials such as bits of yarn, buttons, beads, etc that can be used to embellish their bowls. |
“Silk Paper (Fusion)” 2 1/2 to 3 hours
In this workshop, participants will learn about silk fusion, the process of creating silk paper using various types of silk fibers. Silk paper can be used to make books, note cards, for a variety of mixed media art projects or for the creation of 3-dimensional pieces. Its beautiful colors and translucent quality make silk paper a wonderful addition to the artists repertoire. |
“Gourd Birdhouses” 3 hours
In this workshop, students will create a birdhouse from a hard shell gourd that can be used in an outdoor setting. You will be painting your very own design on the outside of the gourd. We’ll then seal the painting to make it waterproof. These birdhouse are great for attracting various types of birds into your yard. |
Check the calendar for scheduled workshops! All workshops have an instructors fee(plus travel costs), and a materials fee per participant. Email Sandi for more information! |